I began making video essays in 1998 as part of my doctoral dissertation research. Updating a term from French filmmaker and critic Alexandre Astruc (and his 1948 essay, “The Birth of a New Avant-Garde: La Camera-Stylo”), I called my works “media stylos.” My films imagine how academic scholarship can be presented through a combination of sound, text, graphics, visualizations, and moving images.

In 2008, I published a manifesto about my work.

I also work as a Professor of Film/Media Studies at Bucknell University. My research focuses on pre- and early cinema but has recently expanded to look at “eccentric” versions of Japanese cinema including paper films, Japanese magic lanterns, and kamishibai.

I also occasionally work as a writer and director on select PSAs, commercials, and documentaries. Past clients include the Electronic Frontier Foundation, the Independent Film and Television Alliance, and the U.S. Federal Government.

contact: ericfaden at mediastylo dot com